09月22日, 2014 2662次
Modify by:MG193.7
Base on vld document
Opcode name | Explanation | Example (phpdbg) |
NOP | no operation | NOP |
ADD | Adds "value1" to "value2" and stores the result into "result". | ADD 1 2 ~0 $a = 1+2; |
SUB | Subtracts "value2" from "value1" and stores the result into "result". | SUB 2 1 ~0 $a = 2-1; |
MUL | Multiplys "value1" by "value2" and stores the result into "result". | MUL 1 2 ~0 $a = 1*2; |
DIV | Divides "value1" by "value2" and stores the result into "result". | DIV 6 3 ~0 $a = 6/3; |
MOD | Makes the value of "result" congruent to "value1" modulo "value2". | MOD 6 3 ~0 $a = 6%3; |
SL | Shift bits of value1 to the left value2 steps (each step means "multiply by two") | SL 8 2 ~0 $a = 8<<2; |
SR | Shift bits of value1 to the right value2 steps (each step means "divide by two") | SR 8 2 ~0 $a = 8>>2; |
CONCAT | Concats string values string1 and string2 | CONCAT "A" "B" ~0 echo "A"."B"; |
BW_OR | Bit-wise or of value1 and value2 | BW_OR 1 2 ~0 echo 1|2; |
BW_AND | Bit-wise and of value1 and value2 | BW_AND 1 2 ~0 echo 1&2; |
BW_XOR | Bit-wise xor of value1 and value2 | BW_XOR 1 2 ~0 echo 1^2; |
BW_NOT | Bit-wise not of "value" | BW_NOT 15 ~0 echo ~15; |
BOOL_NOT | Boolean (logical) not of "value" | BOOL_NOT 1 ~0 echo !1; |
BOOL_XOR | Boolean (logical) xor of value1 | BOOL 1 2 ~0 echo 1 xor 2; |
IS_IDENTICAL | Compares value1 and value2 to see if they are equal AND have the same type | IS_IDENTICAL 1 1 ~0 echo (1===1); |
IS_NOT_IDENTICAL | compares value1 and value2 to see if they are unequal or of different types | IS_NOT_IDENTICAL 1 1 ~0 echo (1!==1); |
IS_EQUAL | compares if value1 and value2 are equal | IS_EQUAL 1 1 ~0 echo (1==1); |
IS_NOT_EQUAL | compares if value1 and value2 are not equal | IS_NOT_EQUAL 1 1 ~0 echo (1!=1); |
IS_SMALLER | compares if value1 is less than value2 | IS_SMALLER1 1 2 ~0 echo (1 < 2); |
IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL | compares if value1 is less than or equal to value2 | IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL 2 1 ~0 echo (2<=1); |
CAST | casts value1 as type value2 (type in extended_value) | CAST<4> 1 ~0 echo (int)1; |
QM_ASSIGN | Question Mark Assign, used twice inside a question mark assign to temporarily assign result as value1 (this is followed up with an ASSIGN bytecode) | JMPZ 1 J3 QM_ASSIGN 1 ~0 JMP J4 QM_ASSIGN 2 ~0 ECHO ~0 echo (1?1:2); |
ASSIGN_ADD | Add value1 to value2 and store in variable indicated by value1 | ASSIGN_ADD $a 2 $a+=2; |
ASSIGN_SUB | Subtract value1 from value2 and store in variable indicated by value1 | ASSIGN_SUB $a 2 $a-=2; |
ASSIGN_MUL | Multiply result by value1 and store in variable indicated by result | ASSIGN_MUL $a 2 $a*=2; |
ASSIGN_DIV | Divide result by value1and store in variable indicated by result. | ASSIGN_DIV $a 2 $a/=2; |
ASSIGN_MOD | Perform result mod value1 and store in variable indicated by result | ASSIGN_MOD $a 2 $a%=2; |
ASSIGN_SL | Shift result by value1 bits to left and store in variable indicated by result | ASSIGN_SL $a 2 $a<<=2; |
ASSIGN_SR | Shift result by value1 bits to right and store in variable indicated by result | ASSIGN_SR $a 2 $a>>=2; |
ASSIGN_CONCAT | Concats string values result and value1 and store in variable indicated by result | ASSIGN_CONCAT $a 'z' $a.='z'; |
ASSIGN_BW_OR | Performs binary OR on result and value1 and stores in variable indicated by result. | ASSIGN_BW_OR $a 64 $a|=64; |
ASSIGN_BW_AND | Performs binary AND on result and value1 and stores in variable indicated by result. | ASSIGN_BW_AND $a 64 $a &=64; |
ASSIGN_BW_XOR | Performs binary XOR on result and value1and stores in variable indicated by result. | ASSIGN_BW_XOR $a 64 $a ^=64; |
PRE_INC | increments variable indicated by value1 by 1 (before performing other operations) and stores in result | PRE_INC $a ++$a; |
PRE_DEC | decrements variable indicated by value1 by 1 (before performing other operations) and stores in results | PRE_DEC $a --$a; |
POST_INC | increments variable indicated by value1 by 1 (after performing other operations) and stores in result | POST_INC $a ~0 $a++; |
POST_DEC | decrements variable indicated by value1 by 1 (after performing other operations) and stores in result | POST_DEC $a ~0 $a--; |
ASSIGN | assigns value1 to result | ASSIGN $a $b $a=$b; |
ASSIGN_REF | UNKNOW in phpdbg. Maybe you could refer to ASSIGN_REF | UNKNOW |
ECHO | Dump text | ECHO "hello world" echo "hello world"; |
Same as ECHO? | ECHO<1> "hello world" print 'hello world'; If you want to refer the opcodes in vld, you could see PRINT | |
JMP | Unconditonally jump to the address | #0 IS_EQUAL $a "a" ~0 #1 JMPZ ~0 J4 #2 ECHO 1 #3 JMP J5 #4 ECHO 2 #5 RETURN<-1> 1 if($a=="a"){echo 1;}else{echo 2;} |
JMPZ | Jump to the address if the value is zero | You could see the opcodes in JMP |
JMPNZ | Jump to the address if the value is not zero | ... JMPNZ ~0 JX ... if($b!=0){...} |
JMPZNZ | Jump to the address given in the operands if the value is zero; jump to the address given in extended data if nonzero. | UNKNOW in phpdbg You could refer to JMPZNZ |
JMPZ_EX | Jump to the address if the value is zero. | #0 JMPZ_EX $a J2 ~0 #1 BOOL true ~0 #2 JMPZ ~0 #3 RETURN<-1> 1 if($a&&true){} |
JMPNZ_EX | Jump to the address if the value is not zero. | #0 JMPZ_EX $a J2 ~0 #1 BOOL true ~0 #2 JMPZ ~0 #3 RETURN<-1> 1 if($a||true){} |
CASE | UNKNOW | Do not found CASE opcode in phpdbg, You could refer to CASE |
SWITCH_FREE | Release the allocated space of "value"? | Do not found SWITCH_FREE in phpdbg, You could refer to SWITCH_FREE |
BRK | It means "break" in vld, But not found this opcode in phpdbg. If you want to break in while-loop(or something else),phpdbg will simply use JMP opcode jump out the loop,instead of use "BRK" opcode. | #0 JMP J2 #1 JMP J3 #2 JMPNZ 1 J1 #3 RETURN<-1> 1 while(1){break;} You also could see BRK |
CONT | Same as BRK opcode, this opcode means "continue" in vld, But not found this opcode in phpdbg. phpdbg still use JMP to control the flow in loop. | You could refer to CONT |
BOOL | convert value to boolean and store in result | #0 JMPZ_EX $a J2 ~0 #1 BOOL true ~0 #2 JMPZ ~0 #3 RETURN<-1> 1 if($a&&true){} |
ROPE_INIT | when create a string that cotains variable, this opcode used to init this string and store the string of begining part to result | ROPE_INIT<3> "Test" ~1 ROPE_ADD<1> ~1 $a ~1 ROPE_END<2> ~1 " Test" ~0 ECHO ~0 echo "Test$a Test"; |
ROPE_ADD | after ROPE_INIT opcode,continue add a variable to string,and store the string to result. | Could see ROPE_INIT part |
ROPE_END | after ROPE_INIT opcode,continue add a string to the whole string,and treat the string just added as the end of the whole string. | Could see ROPE_INIT part |
FAST_CONCAT | concats value1 and value2,than stored it to the result | FAST_CONCAT "Test" $a ~0 ECHO ~0 echo "Test$a"; |
BEGIN_SILENCE | prepare to perform function call without displaying error messages | BEGIN_SILENCE ~0 INIT_FCALL<1> 96 "file" SEND_VAL"non_existent_file" 1 DO_ICALL @1 END_SILENCE ~0 ASSIGN $a @1 RETURN<-1> 1 $a = @file("non_existent_file"); |
END_SILENCE | no longer surpress error messages | See BEGIN_SILENCE part |
INIT_FCALL | init a function going to call | INIT_FCALL<1> 96 "abs" SEND_VAL 2 1 DO_ICALL abs(2); |
INIT_DYNAMIC_CALL | call to function dynamicly | ASSIGN $x "phpinfo" INIT_DYNAMIC_CALL $x DO_FCALL $x = 'phpinfo'; $x(); |
INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME | call to function | INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME "test" DO_FCALL @1 ASSIGN $a @1 $a = test(); |
DO_FCALL | Call a function. If the result of called function was stored to a variable,this opcode must take a result! | See INIT_DYNAMIC_CALL and INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME part |
DO_FCALL_BY_NAME | Call a function by name. | UNKNOW in phpdbg, You could see DO_FCALL_BY_NAME |
RETURN | Return value from a funciton. | RETURN 1 return 1; |
RECV | Receive the number of functoin arguments | RECV 1 $a RETURN<-1> null function test($a){} |
RECV_INIT | Initialize a function argument with "value" if not received from caller. Otherwise same as RECV. | RECV_INIT 1 "test" $t RETURN<-1> null function a($t="test"){} |
SEND_VAL | Pass the constant value as an actual parameter to a function. | INIT_FCALL<2> 112 "hello" SEND_VAL "world" 1 SEND_VAL "ok" 2 DO_FCALL hello("world","ok"); |
SEND_VAL_EX | Pass the constant value as an actual parameter to a function.Same as SEND_VAL_EX | INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME<2> "hello" SEND_VAL_EX "world" 1 SEND_VAL_EX "ok" 2 DO_FCALL hello("world","ok"); |
SEND_VAR | Pass the variable value as an actual parameter to a function. | ASSIGN $a 1 INIT_FCALL<1> 96 "abs" SEND_VAR $a 1 DO_ICALL $a=1;abs($a); |
SEND_VAR_EX | Pass the variable value as an actual parameter to a function.Same as SEND_VAR. | ASSIGN $a 1 INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME<1> "test" SEND_VAR_EX $a 1 DO_ICALL $a=1;test($a); |
SEND_REF | Pass the reference value as an actual parameter to a function. | INIT_FCALL<1> 96 "each" SEND_REF $a 1 DO_ICALL @each($a); |
NEW | Construct an instance of "type" and store the reference to the object into "result". | NEW<2> "A" @1 SEND_VAL_EX "a" 1 DO_FCALL FREE @1 new A("a"); |
INIT_NS_FCALL_BY_NAME | No sample in vld or phpdbg. | UNKNOW |
FREE | Release the allocated space of the value. | Could see NEW part |
INIT_ARRAY | Allocate a new array with elem-value as the first element of the array. | UNKNOW in phpdbg, You could refer to INIT_ARRAY |
ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT | Add elem-value as an element to array-value | UNKNOW in phpdbg, You could refer to ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT |
INCLUDE_OR_EVAL | Include the file specified by filename and eval it. | INCLUDE_OR_EVAL<2> "test.php" INCLUDE_OR_EVAL<1> "echo 1;" include "test.php"; eval("echo 1;"); |
UNSET_CV | Unset the variable. | UNSET_CV $A unset($A); |
UNSET_VAR | Unset the variable. | ASSIGN $A "x" UNSET_VAR<4> $A $A="x"; unset($$A); |
UNSET_DIM | Unset the entry of array-value, which is specified by index | UNSET_DIM $A 0 unset($A[0]); |
UNSET_OBJ | Unset the property of the current object | UNSET_OBJ<8> $A "test" unset($A->test); |
FE_RESET_R | Initialize an iterator on array-value. If the array is empty, jump to address. | #0 ASSIGN $a array(3) #1 FE_RESET_R $a J5 @1 #2 FE_FETCH_R<96> @1 $num #3 ECHO<1> $num #4 JMP J2 #5 FE_FREE @1 $a = array(1,2,3); foreach($a as $num){ print $num; } |
FE_FETCH_R | Fetch an element from iterator. If no element is available, jump to the address that FE_RESET_R opcode setted. | Could see FE_RESET_R part. |
EXIT | Exit running after dumping "message". | EXIT "foo" die("foo"); |
FETCH_R | fetch Variable variables. | ASSIGN $a "x" FETCH_R<4> $a ~1 ECHO ~1 $a="x"; echo $$a; |
FETCH_DIM_R | fetch value of variables by index. | FETCH_R<4> $a ~1 FETCH_DIM_R ~1 0 ~2 ECHO ~2 echo $$a[0]; FETCH_DIM_R $x 0 $x[0]; |
FETCH_OBJ_R | fetch property value of Variable variables | FETCH_R<4> $a ~1 FETCH_OBJ_R ~1 "test" ~2 ECHO ~2 echo($$a->test); |
FETCH_W | fetch Variable variables and make it writable. | ASSIGN $x 1 ASSIGN $a "x" FETCH_W<4> $a @2 ASSIGN @2 2 $x=1; $a="x"; $$a=2; |
FETCH_DIM_W | fetch Variable variables by index and make it writable. | FETCH_DIM_W $x 0 @0 ASSIGN_DIM @0 1 OP_DATA 2 $x[0][1]=2; |
FETCH_OBJ_W | fetch property value of Variable variables and make it writable. | FETCH_OBJ_W $x "t" @0 ASSIGN_OBJ<16> @0 "test" OP_DATA 1 $x->t->test=1; |
FETCH_RW | fetch value of Variable variables. | FETCH_RW<4> $a @0 POST_INC @0; $$a++; |
FETCH_DIM_RW | fetch value of Variable variables by index. | FETCH_DIM_RW $a 0 @0 POST_INC @0 $a[0]++; |
FETCH_OBJ_RW | fetch property value of Variable variables | FETCH_OBJ_RW $a "b" @0 POST_INC_OBJ<16> @0 "c" $a->b->c++; |
FETCH_IS | Fetch the value from variable which is to be used to test if it is set or not, through isset()/isempty(). | FETCH_IS<2> "_GET" ~0 ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ ~0 0 isset($_GET[0]); |
FETCH_DIM_IS | No php sample. | |
FETCH_OBJ_IS | No php sample. | |
FETCH_FUNC_ARG | fetch value of Variable variables as arg of function | INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME<1> "test" CHECK_FUNC_ARG 1 FETCH_FUNC_ARG<4> $a @0 SEND_FUNC_ARG @0 1 DO_FCALL test($$a); |
FETCH_DIM_FUNC_ARG | fetch value of variable by index as arg of function | INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME<1> "test" CHECK_FUNC_ARG 1 FETCH_DIM_FUNC_ARG $a 0 @0 SEND_FUNC_ARG @0 1 DO_FCALL test($a[0]); |
FETCH_OBJ_FUNC_ARG | fetch property value of variable as arg of function | INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME<1> "test" CHECK_FUNC_ARG 1 FETCH_OBJ_FUNC_ARG $a "b" @0 SEND_FUNC_ARG @0 1 DO_FCALL test($a->b); |
FETCH_UNSET | Fetch a variable for the purpose of unset() operation. | FETCH_UNSET<4> $A @1 UNSET_DIM @1 0 unset($$A[0]); |
FETCH_DIM_UNSET | Fetch a variable by index for the purpose of unset() operation. | FETCH_DIM_UNSET $a 0 @0 UNSET_OBJ @0 "b" unset($a[0]->b); |
FETCH_OBJ_UNSET | Fetch a property value of variable for the purpose of unset() operation. | FETCH_OBJ_UNSET $a "b" @0 UNSET_OBJ<16> @0 "c" unset($a->b->c); |
FETCH_LIST_R | Fetch array list. | FETCH_LIST_R array(2) 0 @0 ASSIGN $x @0 FETCH_LIST_R array(2) 1 @2 ASSIGN $b @2 list($x,$b) = array("x","b"); |
FETCH_DIM_TMP_VAR | No php sample in phpdbg | You could refer to FETCH_DIM_TMP_VAR |
FETCH_CONSTANT | fetch value by const name. | FETCH_CONSTANT "A" ~0 ECHO ~0 echo A; |
GOTO | No sample in phpdbg and vld, phpdbg use JMP opcode to control flow. | |
EXT_STMT | No php sample | |
EXT_FCALL_BEGIN | No php sample | |
EXT_FCALL_END | No php sample | |
EXT_NOP | No php sample | |
TICKS | TICKS<100> declare(ticks=100); | |
SEND_VAR_NO_REF | No php sample | |
CATCH | catch when Exception get throw. | #0 THROW $t #1 JMP J4 #2 CATCH<1> "A" $e #3 ECHO "catch" #4 RETURN<-1> 1 try{throw $t} catch(A $e){echo "catch";} |
THROW | throw some Exception. | THROW $t throw $t; |
FETCH_CLASS | fetch static class | FETCH_CLASS $obj @0 FETCH_CLASS_CONSTANT @0 "a" $obj::a; |
FETCH_CLASS_CONSTANT | fetch static constant from class | Could see FETCH_CLASS part. |
FETCH_STATIC_PROP_R | fetch static property value from class | FETCH_CLASS $obj @0 FETCH_STATIC_PROP_R "a" @0 ~1 $obj::$a; |
FETCH_STATIC_PROP_RW | fetch static property value from class,same as FETCH_STATIC_PROP_R but make it readable and writable. | FETCH_CLASS $obj @0 FETCH_STATIC_PROP_RW "a" @0 @1 POST_INC @1 ~2 $obj::$a++; |
FETCH_STATIC_PROP_W | fetch static property value from class AND make it writable. | FETCH_CLASS $obj @0 FETCH_STATIC_PROP_W "a" @0 @1 ASSIGN @1 1 $obj::$a=1; |
CLONE | clone an object | CLONE $t ~0 clone $t; |
RETURN_BY_REF | No sample in phpdbg | |
INIT_METHOD_CALL | Prepare for a method call. Followed by DO_FCALL. | INIT_METHOD_CALL $obj "a" DO_FCALL $obj->a(); |
INIT_STATIC_METHOD_CALL | Prepare for a static method call. Followed by DO_FCALL. | FETCH_CLASS $obj @0 INIT_STATIC_METHOD_CALL @0 "a" DO_FCALL $obj::a(); |
ISSET_ISEMPTY_CV | check wether a variable is setted and store the result. | ISSET_ISEMPTY_CV $a ~0 isset($a); |
ISSET_ISEMPTY_VAR | check wether a variable is setted and store the result. | ISSET_ISEMPTY_VAR<4> $a ~0 isset($$a); |
ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ | check wether a variable is setted by its index and store the result. | ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ $a 0 ~0 isset($a[0]); |
ZEND_SEND_VAL_EX | Could see SEND_VAL_EX part. | |
ZEND_SEND_VAR | Could see SEND_VAR part. | |
STRLEN | get length of string and store the result | STRLEN $a strlen($a); |
PRE_INC_OBJ | Same as PRE_INC but operate to an object | PRE_INC_OBJ $obj "a" ++$obj->a; |
PRE_DEC_OBJ | Same as PRE_DEC but operate to an object | PRE_DEC_OBJ $obj "a" --$obj->a; |
POST_INC_OBJ | Same as POST_INC but operate to an object | POST_INC_OBJ $obj "a" ~0 $obj->a++; |
POST_DEC_OBJ | Same as POST_DEC but operate to an object | POST_DEC_OBJ $obj "a" ~0 $obj->a--; |
ASSIGN_OBJ | fetch an object and wait for OP_DATA opcode. | ASSIGN_OBJ $obj "a" OP_DATA $t $obj->a=$t; |
INSTANCEOF | INSTANCEOF $a "A" ~0 $a instanceof A; | |
DECLARE_CLASS | declare a class by name | JMPZ true JX DECLARE_CLASS "a" @0 if(true){class A{}} |
DECLARE_INHERITED_CLASS | when declare a class by name,if declared class extends other class,will execute this opcode. | JMPZ true JX DECLARE_INHERITED_CLASS "a" "C" @0 if(true){ class a extends C{} } |
DECLARE_FUNCTION | declare function by name | JMPZ true JX DECLARE_FUNCTION "test" if(true){ function test(){} } |
DECLARE_CONST | declare a const value | DECLARE_CONST "a" 1 const a=1; |
ADD_INTERFACE | when declare class by name,if declared class implements other interface,will execute this opcode. | JMPZ true JX DECLARE_CLASS "a" @0 ADD_INTERFACE @0 "C" VERIFY_ABSTRACT_CLASS @0 if(true){ class a implements C{} } |
ASSIGN_DIM | set value of variable by index,followed by OP_DATA. | ASSIGN_DIM $x 0 OP_DATA 2 $x[0]=2; |
OP_DATA | set value after "ASSIGN" opcodes(such as ASSIGN_DIM,ASSIGN_OBJ...) executed. | Could see ASSIGN_DIM part. |
ISSET_ISEMPTY_PROP_OBJ | check wether a property value of an object is setted and store the result | ISSET_ISEMPTY_PROP_OBJ $a "b" ~0 isset($a->b); |
JMP_SET | set the variable if value is not zero,otherwise jump to address | JMP_SET $b JX ~0 QM_ASSIGN 2 ~0 ASSIGN $t ~0 $t=$b?:2; |
DECLARE_LAMBDA_FUNCTION | DECLARE_LAMBDA_FUNCTION "\000{clousre}C:\\"+ ~0 INIT_DYNAMIC_CALL ~0 DO_FCALL (function(){return "phpinfo";})(); | |
ADD_TRAIT | followed by BIND_TRAITS | DECLARE_CLASS "a" @0 ADD_TRAIT @0 "B" BIND_TRAITS @0 class A{ use B; } |
BIND_TRAITS | bind trait in class. | Could see ADD_TRAIT part. |
ZEND_BIND_GLOBAL(vld) BIND_GLOBAL | declare an global variable | BIND_GLOBAL $a "a" global $a; |